KIWASCO sends domestic bills via SMS and corporate bills via email.
To get your bill, simply text: “bill account-Number” to “40222″
e.g. “bill 48000000772” to “40222“
or dial
Download Application+ Go to Lipa na Mpesa
+ Select PayBill
+ Enter Business No: 517000
+ Enter Account No
+ Enter Amount
+ Enter Mpesa Pin
You can also pay through any any Equity Bank branch or agent located near you using the ACCOUNT NUMBER:
0290 265 172 985
+ Select myMoney
+ Select EzzyPay
+ Enter PayBill No: 517000
+ Enter Account No
+ Enter Pin & Confirm
You can pay your water bill through any of the following PostBank agents:
Ahero, Gambogi, Gisambayi, Kibuye, Hamisi, Kilingili Market, Kisumu, Mbale, Mudete, Katito, Kisumu Bus Park, Serem, Majengo, Mago, Chavakali, Nyalenda, Jua Kali
Account Number: 0744 130 005 547
You can also make payments at any Cooperative Bank
Account Number: 011 360 1293 1300
To make payment, use KCB Bank app or visit any KCB Bank agent near you.
NB: For wrong payments, forward mpesa transaction details to: for correction.