Friday 26th July 2019
For immediate release
Kisumu Water and Sanitation Company (KIWASCO), Environmental, Conservation of Health (ECoH) and Quercus Group yesterday signed a Memorandum of Understanding to express the willingness amongst the parties to engage in an effort to promote the competitiveness of KIWASCO as well as its activities to produce and expand relationships with clients of water and sanitation products in Kisumu County. This MoU comes under the new mandate of sanitation service whereby KIWASCO intends to contribute to the sanitation value chain. The company plans to re-use and recycle sewage sludge. In this understanding, ECoH will handle sludge management by converting sludge into organic fertilizer which can then be sold to farmers. Quercus group on the other hand, shall provide market linkages for the product, link KIWASCO to financiers of the project and also capacity build staff to handle the machines and also the product.
The MoU will serve to establish and implement joint efforts to bridge the gap in the sanitation value chain. The purpose of the MoU is to jointly promote re-use and recycling of sewage sludge within Kisumu City. The MoU was signed by Mr. Thomas Odongo, Managing Director KIWASCO, Mr. Edwin Kamau, Managing Director ECoH and Mariam Njoroge, Country Manager, Quercus group.
Earlier in the week, the company also signed a similar partnership with Sanivation Company, a social enterprise with key visions in line with Sustainable Development Goal by developing and implementing strategies to meet the demands of non-sewered sanitation specifically transforming human waste into biomass fuel briquettes.
The two entities intend to work together to complement each other’s strengths and develop a County-wide roadmap for fecal sludge management service improvements that will be used as a framework for attaining improved fecal sludge management to Kisumu residents. This MoU applies to urban and peri-urban areas of Kisumu town falling under the mandate of KIWASCO as areas of operations, not excluding collaboration in other areas not mentioned.
Thomas Odongo
Managing Director