In our pursuit to extend water supply and increase our coverage to above our current index which is at 86%, we signed a 5-year MoU with the Western Kenya Water Project (WKWP) -USAID. This partnership will enable more than 25 thousand residents of Kisumu to gain access to improved water services.
In the implementation of this project, WKWP will apply a demand and capacity- building approach to reinforce water services across Kisumu county. Besides, they will capacity build KIWASCO to supply, deliver, oversee and maintain service quality in the County. This approach also ensures a holistic engagement of women and youth in order to meet household and community needs. It will also help in unlocking opportunities for catalytic change i.e. better governance, increased investments and greater accountability in the water sector.
To help us identify and prioritize actions that can be taken to address barriers, the project will focus on improved planning and market driven performance with a primary goal of improving lives and health of Kisumu residents through development and management of sustainable water services.
The project workplan is subdivided into 5 programs including, improving coverage, operational efficiency to ensure there’s an adherence to the 100% water quality standards and capacity building, improving coverage and operational efficiency, reduction of NRW, equipping labs to improve on water quality in the rural water schemes.
It also aims to improve water resource management and increase budget allocation for the water sector, increase production and distribution capacity and also create more opportunities for capital financing by the private sector.