KIWASCO staff and stakeholders led by The Managing Director, Mr. Thomas Odongo planted over 1000 tree seedlings in the first phase of tree planting at the Nyalenda Lagoons on 17th April 2021. The company aims to plant over 3000 trees to surround the area. The planted seedlings were donated by Shajanand Holdings, Skylark and Kenya Forest Services (KFS).

Trees are very important in our environment as it helps combat global warming by absorbing carbon dioxide, removing and storing carbon, releasing oxygen back into the air, reduce wind speeds and cool the air and also reduces soil erosion. To the wildlife, from birds and insects, to bats and squirrels, trees provide a canopy and a habitat for many species of wildlife but they don’t just act as a home for wildlife; the fruits from trees provide food for them too. To the human race in general, trees provide food, medicine, knowledge and also makes the environment beautiful. Trees also help protect water catchment areas, this is crucial as it retains water and ensure sufficient supply of the same. Water is life, and access to clean and safe drinking water is one of the main issues in alleviating water borne diseases like Cholera.
The rains are here plant a tree and help conserve our environment. Panda miti leo.